•  Homework Graphic

    The best way to learn Mathematics is by practice: that means doing and understanding math problems.  Yes, that means homework.  The more you practice doing something, the better you become at doing it. 
    • All assignments handed in to me must be done in pencil. 
    • Homework is due at the beginning of class the day after it was assigned, unless told differently.
    • Usually time is given at the end of the period to start homework, so feel free to ask questions. Also Guided Study is another great opportunity to ask questions.
    • All graded assignments, including homework, needs to be in by the time you take a test on that chapter.  If you have a zero for an assignment, it stays a zero.
    • Daily Homework:

    Daily homework will be graded on effort on a 0 to 10 scale (0 if it is                  not done, 5 if incomplete or late, and 10 if all problems are                                 completed). 

    • Graded Homework Assignments:

    Throughout the year, certain assignments will be collected and graded.  You will be advised in advance.  The assignment will then be corrected by the teacher and given a grade based on its quality.  

Last Modified on March 24, 2014