


    Diez And Blackley Deliver Bombs Against CSAT In Final Game

    May 22, 2009
    BARKER -- In what was a season of highs and lows the JV Raiders unfortunately finished the season on a low with a 20-6 defeat to the hands of the Eagles from CSAT. The young Raiders, who didn't have a single sophomore on its roster to go with seven seventh graders, five eighth graders and four freshmen, may have struggled at times this season, but also showed signs of what should be a bright future. With all the members of the team eligible to play JV again next season the majority of the roster will most likely remain in tact and will only get better with age.
    In the final game Tony Diez and Austin Blackley had the big bombs as Diez drove a double to the left field fence and Blackley went to the right field fence for a triple.
    Barker finishes the year at 4-10 in the Niagara Orleans League and 6-14 overall.

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Last Modified on May 27, 2009