

    Austin Wins Shot Put At Kenmore West Invitational  

    May 19, 2011
    KENMORE -- On Saturday the Varsity Track teams competed in the Kemore West Track Invitational. Leading the way with winning performances were John Austin in the shot put, Alex Gancasz in the pole vault, Margie Zaepfel in the 800, and the team of Alex Gancasz, Savanna Gancasz, Eliza Dewart and Bree Sutch in the 400 meter relay. Dewart set a new school record in the 200 meter dash while finishing second in that event. Zaepfel also had a second place finish in the girls 1500 meter run. Katie Pryzybl finished a strong fifth place in the Frosh girls 1500 meter run. Tyler Scheving had a second place finish in the 800, a fifth place finish in the 200, and combined with Jed Platt, Michael Lantinen and Ryan Levy to take third in the 3200 meter relay. Platt collected a fifth place finish in the 3200 meter relay, and a fourth place finish in pole vault. Sergio Cruz broke into the four minute club with a second place finish in the boys frosh 1600 meter run. The teams will host Medina on Monday, May 23.