Black Text - All Students

    Red Text - Grade 3-6

    Green Text - Grade 7-12

    Our Spring Choral Spectrum is this Thursday, March 14 at 6:00 PM. Our groups will perform from youngest to oldest, THEN we will all come together for a combined number at the end. During the concert, students in grades 3-6 will sit with their parents and students in grade 7-12 will sit together as a group.

    When you arrive, the ONLY open doors will be the auditorium ramp door and the business office door. These should be open by 4:30 PM. Please reach out to me on Remind if this is not the case. I will keep my phone on me. Doors will lock by 6:15 PM.

    All children should arrive at the high school cafeteria DRESSED by 5:15 PM. Please read below for information on what to do BEFORE going to the high school cafeteria. 

    Students in grades 3-6 should first go to the auditorium with their parents to find out where the parents will be sitting. This way, when their performance is done, they can easily return to their seats. PARENTS - Save your child a seat! Do not let them sit with friends unsupervised. Once the child knows where their seat will be, please send them down to the high school cafeteria. If you prefer to walk with your child, please leave a coat on your seats so that they are still available when you come back. Any students who need a white shirt can go directly to the uniform room (there will be signs) or come to the high school cafeteria to ask for a guide.

    Students in grades 7-12 should come directly to the high school cafeteria. Your uniforms will be there (unless you are in band and keep your band uniform in the basement). Students should be DRESSED by 5:15, not arriving at 5:15. I will need help from some of the older kids with some of the younger kids so please be on time.

    ATTIRE: All students grade 3-8 are responsible for providing their own black bottoms from waist to floor (short skirts need black stockings) and as dark of shoes as the student has available (black is preferable). It is preferable that students do not wear athletic pants, but if this is the only thing available it is fine. Bottoms should have no obvious holes or tears. Elementary students are asked to please wear a white dress shirt with a white/light undershirt. We have shirts for our students, but might run out of certain sizes. If a child’s white shirt will not blend well with the group I will ask them to put on a different one. Grade 7-12, we will have chorus uniform items ready. Please wear a white/light undershirt with no printing on it.

    CONCERT EXPECTATIONS AND ETIQUETTE: Please plan to stay for the full concert. After all groups have performed individually we have a combined number with all of our singers. After each group performs they will sit together in the auditorium to hear the rest of the concert.

    PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR EXIT THE AUDITORIUM DURING A SONG AND PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK DURING SONGS: Our students spend so much time, effort and energy preparing this music and only get one chance to perform it. Please give them the respect they deserve during this and every performance. This includes piano introductions.

    AFTER THE CONCERT: If your child did not borrow a uniform, you may leave with them directly. If your child needs to change out of a uniform please go with them to the High School cafeteria or wait for them at the auditorium.

    As always, if there are any concerns, please reach out via email or Remind.

    Drew Burke


Last Modified on March 11, 2024