    Classroom Policy


    Welcome to your Future Favorite Class:


    Instructor: Miss Kersch


    Classroom Procedures

     1. We start when the second bell rings!

           -- Have your homework ready to go
           --Time to relax is at the end, time permitting.
           --We start right away
    2. Accept Responsibility.

    --This is your grade, you are responsible for learning. You need to bring all required materials, have your homework done, lab reports in on time and study for tests or quizzes.

    --If you don’t understand, you ask. 


    3. Show Respect.

                --Please use correct manners.

                --Show respect for other people and their property.

                --Exhibit self-control. You won’t like my consequences.


    Required Materials:


                --3-Ring Binder (2inch)

                --Scientific Calculator

                --Assignment book

                --pencil or pen (blue or black only)




    Quarter Grades:     Homework……….30%


                                      Lab Reports……...20%



    Final Grade:   To calculate your final grade for this class you add up the grade on all four quarters and what you got on the regents exam. You divide this by five to get your final grade.
    Homework Policy
    Multi-colored Pencils
    Policy Sheet

    Why do I assign homework?
    Giving homework reinforces what has been taught in class, prepares you for upcoming lessons, and helps you develop self-discipline, responsibility, positive study habits and organizational skills. You are required to have mastered specific skills in order to take the New York State Earth Science Regents Exam. Homework helps to master these skills. All homework is relevant to lessons, will be graded and will not be “busy work”.

    When will homework be assigned?
    Homework will be assigned almost daily but should only take you 30 minutes or less to complete.

    What the student’s homework responsibilities?
    You are responsible for having you work done and ready to be turned in at the beginning of the class. If you are absent, you are responsible for getting and making up that day’s work. I will not accept late homework. If you have difficulty with the homework, stay after school for extra help on the day it’s due. I can help you and I will accept it. If you would like to make-up an assignment, it must be done after school so I can provide help and eliminate cheating.

    When will quizzes be given?
    Quizzes will be given every few days. I usually don’t give “pop quizzes” unless I don’t think you are paying attention.

    When will tests be given?
    Chapter tests will be given at the end of a unit. We usually have practice tests and then the real thing.

    Why do we need to do Laboratory Reports?
    New York State requires each student, in order to take the regents exam, to complete 1,200 minutes of hands on experiments. This works out to be about 30 lab classes. In order to prove that you have completed this requirement, you MUST have a lab portfolio filled with all of the labs you did. Every lab counts, so every lab report must be done! Lab reports will be all in the proper format that I will teach you and they must be typed unless I give you other instructions. Points will be deducted from the grade for late labs. All lab reports will be graded and I am required to keep them on file for 1 year.

    What are the teacher’s responsibilities?
    I will grade and keep a record of all of your work. I will return graded assignments in a timely fashion so you can use these to study from.
Last Modified on July 15, 2011